
Digital Marketing for Independent Artists

Digital Marketing for Independent Artists


This is digital marketing and PR that’s built for independent artists. At whatever phase of your career you’re in, you can choose the plan that fits you best right now and receive real one on one professional representation and top notch, targeted ads built for you that really make an impact.


Digital Marketing for Independent Artists

Every artist needs a quality PR team, or to invest a lot of their own time in to their press relations. Digital marketing for independent artists can be a tricky thing. Takes time to form all of the relationships, then finding the ever evolving magazines and radio that promote indie artists. Over our last 10 years, we’ve formed those relationships, we have discovered the best press opportunities around. Most importantly, we have their contact information.

One of the most important promotional opportunities for any artists is a feature in a quality magazine. The best way to receive these features is through digital marketing. This isn’t something that every artists excels at, but can be what separates the artists that succeed, from the talented ones that don’t.

You can easily go to another PR agency and pay thousands for press relations and digital marketing like this. We worked hard to sharpen down our promotion to exactly what independent artists need, for as affordable a price that we can do. Plus, you have the options to build your own campaign that fits your exact needs, and budget.

  • WE personally represent you, working one on one to promote you
  • CREATE your professional press release to submit for press
  • DESIGN promo images to use for social promos
  • GUARANTEE features in press (including our mag)
  • ADD you to our playlists
  • SUBMIT you to as many press opportunities as you select

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