Interview with Les Fradkin on 2 new Dynamic Instrumentals ‘Hurricane Warning’ & ’12 Strings of Joy’ & more
MuzicNotez: Pleasure doing this interview with you again! You just released 2 new songs with your hallmark 12 string guitar, tell us more about the guitar you used.
Les Fradkin: The Hallmark 12 String is a new model from the Hallmark Guitar Company that I requested 2 years ago. It’s based on a Vintage Mosrite Ventures 12 String from the 60’s. It’s got slotted tuners, zero fret and 12 saddle bridge as well as a vibrato. It sounds great and plays in tune.
What inspired these 2 new tracks ‘Hurricane Warning’ and ’12 Strings Of Joy’?
Les Fradkin: 12 Strings of Joy is based on a popular Bach theme. Hurricane Warning is my original composition.

Twitter: @lesfradkin
How would you say these songs differ from each other?
Les Fradkin: Hurricane warning is in 4/4 meter and joy is in 6/8 meter.
How often do you jam out on your 12 string guitar? How many do ya own?
Les Fradkin: : I have two 12,string guitars the hallmark and a Fender/ Squier jazz master 12 and I have two 12 string basses, one from Waterstone and one from Dean. The 12 string basses are featured across most of my music catalog and you hear 12 string guitar on a good percentage of my catalog- particularly songs such as “Jangleholic” and “God bless California”. Here’s a link to a playlist on YouTube featuring my 12 String Bass.
Any more songs featuring the 12 string planned in the future?
Les Fradkin: Time will tell!
What else are you working on? What can we expect to see and hear from you in the future?
Les Fradkin: I am working on material for 2025
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