MuzicNotez: What motivated you to start creating music? What age did you begin?
- Mississippi Mason: Growing up, my dad was a bass sing in a southern gospel quartet call “The Heatmen Quartet”. He drugged me around with him traveling all across the south. That was my first taste of the music industry. When I was 10 years old my parents bought me a cheap guitar for my birthday. After spending years of learning other folks songs, I decided to try to write my own songs from my own experiences. I want people to know how I feel about certain things in my life and writing songs is how I do that.
MuzicNotez: Who were your musical influences, idols, or bands growing up that have helped mold you into the musician you are today? Or helped mold the music that you create?
- Mississippi Mason: My biggest influences on my music is folks like Johnny Cash, Hank Williams, Charley Crockett, Lynyrd Skynyrd, and Jamey Johnson.

Website: www.MississippiMason.com
Facebook: @Mississippimason
TikTok: @mississippimason
Instagram: @mississippimason
MuzicNotez: What’s the ultimate goal you want your music to achieve, or for you to achieve in your career as a musician? Any particular message you wish to send?
- Mississippi Mason: My ultimate goal is to sing from the stage from the legendary Grand Ole Opry and have my songs broadcasted across WSM!
MuzicNotez: What’s the latest release of yours? Tell us about it.
- Mississippi Mason: My latest release is called “Just The Way I Am”. It is a 10 song collection of stories and feeling of everyday Mississippians. It has 8 original songs and 2 cover songs.
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