MuzicNotez: First off, it’s an honor to be doing this interview with you, thanks for taking the time to sit down with us.
Introduce yourselves, what are your names and rolls in the band?
- The Velvet Hands: Hello! You are currently talking to Toby. I sing and play guitar. We then have Dan on lead guitar and vocals, Sam on bass and Louis on drums.
MuzicNotez: How did you meet and form up? How long have you been together?
- The Velvet Hands: I met Dan at school at a time in our lives when we were both very impressionable so we decided to start a band instead of concentrating in lessons. I think most people that we know view that meeting as the beginning of the end! Louis is my little brother so I met him 2.3 hours post womb.

Website: www.TheVelvetHands.co.uk
Instagram: @thevelvethands
Twitter: @thevelvethands1
MuzicNotez: How did you come up with the name The Velvet Hands?
- The Velvet Hands: It’s from the Beatles tune Happiness is a warm gun – we used to love that one! Still do to be honest.
MuzicNotez: Who were your musical influences, idols, or bands growing up that have helped mold you into the band you are today? Or helped mold the music that you create?
- The Velvet Hands: There was an amazing music scene in Falmouth when we were growing up and that’s now spread all over Cornwall! It was the local bands that made us realise we could put on a BYOB event in a local warehouse, it truly made gigs feel special and exciting and something for kids, not just crusty adults. As a crusty adult I now can see how wildly dangerous those shows used to be.
MuzicNotez: What’s the greatest concert you’ve ever been to or performed?
- The Velvet Hands: So when we were about 15 we saw Palma Violets and they blew our tiny minds. More recently LCD at Brixton was the best sound my ears have ever heard. The 1975 the other day was inspirational of how to put on a live show – the modern day Stop Making Sense imo!
MuzicNotez: What’s the ultimate goal you want your music to achieve, or for you to achieve in your career as a band? Any particular message you wish to send?
- The Velvet Hands: I think we live in a really exciting time with lots of fashions changing, including the way that music is being consumed. I’d love to be one of the first rock bands that used these challenges as a way to be more creative – most other genres have worked it out, rock is just being a bit behind like usual!
MuzicNotez: You just released your new album ‘Sucker Punch’, which we are loving! How does this album differ from your last? How would you describe it?
- The Velvet Hands: Thanks! Our debut Party’s Over was a throw everything at the wall and see what sticks kind of approach to making a record. We were still finding out what we liked and what we didn’t like and a big fear was not being viewed as cool as our older friends in bands (that didn’t make it because they were being too cool). In Sucker Punch we set out to make the record that we wanted, no compromises and no prisoners.
MuzicNotez: You’re about to go on tour again plugging the new album, where will you all be? Looks like you put on a hell of a show, how do you want your audience to feel after seeing The Velvet Hands rock out live?
- The Velvet Hands: So the next big one is The Lexington in London. Then we’re off to Paris and on tour with a few bands, then on to festivals! The main thing we want to get young people dancing to rock music again. People give us the finger gun dance sometimes as they’ve only been to festivals which is a bit bizarre haha! And the feeling of seeing the crowd jumping up and down is kind of what we live for.
MuzicNotez: What else are you working on? What can we expect to see and hear from you in the future?
- The Velvet Hands: We’ve got a great cover that we’re going to put out in the summer, I can’t say too much about it at the moment but it’s real exciting!