Steps to Release New Music Headlinez

Release your new music the right way, to get the most out of it!

We know it can be difficult to know what steps to take when releasing new music, so we created a list of the 7 best steps for releasing a new single, video or album to receive the most success you possibly can. As an independent music artist, it’s vital that you take full advantage of everything you can. The most important asset you’re selling, is your music of course. So releasing a new song is like launching a new product. This needs a full marketing strategy built around it to get the most out of your launch.

You spend so much time to create your music, but if it isn’t properly promoted, nobody will get to hear it. The better you launch your new music, the more that will hear it and better chance you have to monetize your musical career. But where do you begin? We know artists typically just want to focus on your music and don’t love the promotional side of things. But as an independent artist, a lot of the promotional responsibilities fall on you unless you want to pay a lot to have somebody release your music for you.

7 Steps To Launching Your New Music:

Releasing a new song as an independent music artist can be challenging, but these are effective ways to get your music out there and reach a wider audience.

  1. Choose a release date: Determine a release date that gives you enough time to prepare for the release and promote your new song. Make sure to set a realistic timeline for recording, mixing, mastering, and artwork.
    1. Create a pre-save link to your track to promote your release ahead of time and get the most streams you can on release day.
  2. Distribute your music: Choose a digital music distributor like DistroKid, TuneCore, or CD Baby to get your music on major streaming services such as Spotify, Apple Music, and Amazon Music. Make sure to follow their guidelines and requirements.
  3. Create promotional materials: Create promotional materials such as artwork, press releases, and social media posts to promote your new song. Use eye-catching designs and videos to grab people’s attention.
    1. Can create images using free apps on your phone such as Canvaa.
    2. Send out a promotional email to your mailing list about the new release as well.
  4. Promote on social media: Utilize social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and TikTok to promote your new song. Use relevant hashtags and tags, and engage with your fans to generate buzz. The more interactive your posts the better engagement you’ll receive.
  5. Collaborate with influencers: Partner with bloggers, vloggers, and social media influencers to promote your new song. Offer them a sneak peek or exclusive content to entice them to share your music with their followers.
  6. Submit your music to music blogs and curators: Submit your music to popular music blogs and curators, such as Hype Machine, Indie Shuffle, SubmitHub and magazines like ours. The more features you receive with backlinks to your music the wider audience you’ll reach.
  7. Plan a release party or concert: Host a release party or concert to celebrate your new song release. Invite your friends, family, and fans to join and perform your new song live. Or just do it live on your social pages.

Remember, promoting your new song takes time and effort, but don’t get discouraged. Consistent promotion and engagement with your fans are key to building your audience and growing your music career.

Should you pay for advertising the new release?

It’s often true, that you get what you pay for. Above, are the essential 7 steps for releasing your new single, video or album. These are all free steps that will just take up your time and energy. However, if you invest a little money in to the promotion of your release, you’ll see a big return from that. Especially paying for features in magazines and to advertise your posts on social pages.

The best paid options for advertising your new music:

  • Social Media Advertising: Most social networks won’t organically push your posts without buying advertising. Investing a little budget in to your posts will go a long way.
    • Facebook is notoriously bad in this regard. You’ll need to boost your posts.
    • Instagram is a lot like Facebook, as they have the same parent company. You can boost your posts in the same Facebook business suite.
    • Twitter you can find success without paid ads.
    • TikTok posts can still find organic success without paying for advertising.
  • Magazine Posts: It’s extremely time consuming to endlessly submit to various blogs and magazines asking for reviews and interviews. It’s good to have a few of your favorite most trusted outlets that you pay for guaranteed reviews with.
  • Spotify Advertising: It’s very time consuming to organically gain streams and be playlisted. Some of your advertising budget should go here.
  • Influencer Marketing: One of the most beneficial forms of marketing these days is through influencers. Find one that fits your brand and negotiate a good deal to plug your new release.
    • You can offer them exclusive content, tickets, or merchandise in exchange for their promotion.

We’re here for you!

MuzicNotez Promo Campaign

What kind of music promoters would we be if we didn’t shamelessly plug ourselves here. Following these 7 steps to releasing your new single, video or album are a great first step. Obviously, we’re also incredibly proud of the affordable opportunities we provide artists with to become heard like they deserve. Whatever your needs, we have an option for you, that can fit almost any independent artists’ budget. If you’re just looking to add your new release to one of our streaming playlists, we got you. Need a feature in our magazine? We got you. Looking for further PR and advertising help from our marketing team? Take out a campaign with us. Whatever you need, we can help.

At the very least, we recommend you use our MuzicNotez PRO service. It’s free to try for the first month, and only $5 a month after that. PRO gives you all the DIY promotional tools that are essential to launching a new release. You can promote it to our social pages, submit it to our playlists, add it to our new releases chart, receive exclusive discounts on our larger promotional packages and more.

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