A massive wave of sound crashes over the listener on Tennessee Outlaw Country’s country rock swagger of “Ghost Train”. Here there is a debt paid to that proud tradition of rebel country, the kind that radiates pure defiance. Screaming through the rhythms gun for something that feels truly uncontrollable, a restless chaotic nature. Everything here refuses to settle down for the spirit is one that celebrates independence in that purest form – the ability to answer to no one. Volume is a given for they let those riffs rip up the joint. Done with the greatest degree of dignity the interplay to be found on here is such a trip.
The first second steps on the gas and does not let go. Drums here have a gigantic presence. Much of the sound has a celebratory quality, the celebration of those vast wide-open plains that define much of the United States. Every detail here matters despite the already heady brew. Little shifts of the sound matter for they throw the listener off, surprising them with the sudden bursts of color. Full steam ahead they make sure that the landscape that they take in is one fully realized, lived-in, and cherished. In a way they harken back to the early roots of country, when country had a true grit and soul about it. Vocals here prove to be the heart of the matter for they rise up into the heavens.
“Ghost Train” features the uncanny ability of Tennessee Outlaw Country to craft a world that feels outright incredible.