MuzicNotez: First off, it’s an honor to be doing this interview with you again, thanks for taking the time to sit down with us.
What’s new since the last time we talked about a year ago?
- Les Fradkin: What’s new? The world has changed. I have released a new album called “The Cross In The Sky” and it’s lead single
“Under The Covers” has made several Indie Radio Charts since December 2021 Internationally including #1 in the U. K., #6 in Australia, #3 in Spain, and #6 in Los Angeles, California. Additionally, “Turn To The Movement” made #1 in the U. K. Indie Radio Charts as did my song “Reality”. Plus, we have noted that we have seen over 500,000 streams for these tunes across Spotify and SoundCloud. In fact, “Under The Covers” averages over 3,000 streams per day on Spotify as of this writing. As for instrumentation, I am regularly featuring the 12 String Bass on recordings and Video performances and I am featured in the 12 String Encyclopedia Hall Of Fame.
MuzicNotez: You’re one of the more active artists we know, you’re always releasing new music. What inspires the music you create?
- Les Fradkin: Events in world… The News, Things people say..Life!
MuzicNotez: What’s your songwriting process like?
- Les Fradkin: Different things inspire me. The words usually come first. Occasionally, a riff appears. But I always organize the song around the Production it needs. I generally write on keyboard.
MuzicNotez: You play multiple instruments, whats your favorite to play? What’s an instrument you don’t play but would like to learn next?
- Les Fradkin: As a One man band, I always choose instruments that are at service to the Production. If I need or want a guitar, Bass, keyboard, Synth, Mellotron or anything else I have at my disposal, I choose what’s necessary to bring the song to life and I play each and every part front to back and do all the Vocals as well. At this stage, I have every sound I could ever require.
MuzicNotez: One of the many tracks you’ve released recently is ‘Under The Covers’, what’s this song about for you?
- Les Fradkin: I’m glad you’re asking because everybody’s got their own opinion! It’s autobiographical and a transmission from the God channel as well.
MuzicNotez: Then your most recent release ‘Everything Is Wrong’ just came out, this has a more political, serious vibe to it. What message are you trying to send with this track?
- Les Fradkin: The song was written by my Wife and I in 2003 as a prediction of the future. When it was released back then, the world was different and listeners could not believe what we were saying could ever possibly come true. Now that future HAS come true and we’ve released an edited version for radio and a new video with the lyrics included on the screen so there’s no mistake about what the messages are saying about the World we’re living in
MuzicNotez: As a very experienced artist, what tips or advice would you give to new independent artists just getting started?
- Les Fradkin: Be clear about your vision. Stay true to yourself. Anything you get famous for is going to stick with you the rest of your career so, “be careful what you wish for. Your wishes might come true. Because if you don’t wish hard enough, the ax might fall on you!”
That’s a quote from our song “Obsolete” which we wrote back in 2003.
MuzicNotez: What else are you working on? What can we expect to see and hear from you in the future?
- Les Fradkin: I always wait for the future to present itself. Then, I act with purpose and clarity.
MuzicNotez: Anything else you wish to say about yourself or your music? Any message for your fans?
- Les Fradkin: When times get tough, there’s always room for Faith and Hope.