The Little Wretches are a band that embrace the darker side of society, and today they’ve brought us a brand new single. Titled “Promised Land,” it’s a live version of the song that was performed at the Mattress Factory. This means it’s time to take a closer look at the new single, so what’s the single like?
The new single is a live track, which means the instruments are stripped back but more raw, and this works well for the song. A simple violin and guitar pair lead the song through its lyrical bends, sounding nice and light while belying the darker aspects of the song. Indeed, there’s a heavy, dark aspect to “Promised Land,” though it takes its time slowly revealing more of itself.
“Promised Land” is a tune about living in the worst of conditions, not knowing how things will turn out when you wake up or where life will take you. It’s a mirror to the actual living conditions of many people in the modern world, though one that’s not often given a spotlight.
Glamorous living and fresh clothes are a commodity to the lead singer, as he wails about how he can’t even sleep peacefully or get rest. There’s no shielding from the dark and sorrowful places and situations these people get into, and the singer does his best to lay out bare just how serious these issues can get.
The vocals and instruments are all performed incredibly well, though left quite simple in order for the message of the song hit harder. It’s an interesting choice that hinges the song’s success on its writing and message, and thankfully both land perfectly.
In all the gloom, doom and darkness however, the lead still finds ways to insert some hope for a better future. Don’t get it twisted, it’s a dark song that doesn’t sugarcoat any of the dingy details whatsoever, but it’s still an optimistic song about how things can get better, and how a desperate situation doesn’t make for a bad person.
It plants a seed of inspiration for a better future, one that sticks to the listener, and it’s also just a straight up great track if you like laidback but emotional performance. We give “Promised Land” a solid recommendation, definitely one to check out, and we cannot wait to see what else the Little Wretches have in store for us soon.