
Website: www.MoLowda.com
Instagram: @molowda
Twitter: @MoLowda

Philadelphia band Mo Lowda & the Humble’s latest single ‘Pearls,’ the lead track off its third full length album, has the feel of a defining summertime song. The musicality of the song creates a nostalgic feeling that you know when listened to in the future will create of rush of memories of a time long gone, bringing you back to a summer where your personal world and the people a part of it leaned on each other to navigate and persevere. Synonymous with a world in which many are living in desperate and stifled conditions with an overwhelming urge to break out and change their reality, the interaction of the start-and-stop guitars and rhythm section, paired with the cadence, content, and delivery of the vocals creates a feeling of longing combined with the urge to break out in song – the urge to let loose. A perfect song to listen to around the fire, at a BBQ, or late-night in the living room with your roommates, ‘Pearls,’ like many songs throughout your life, will become part of the soundtrack to your summer. Only this summer, we find ourselves at a historic place in time that will undoubtedly be remembered more deeply and spoken of more frequently to future generations. Much like its lyrics, it will evoke memories of a part of your life that, even though difficult and gone, you look back at with a mixture of odd longing for the bond that was created, the strength that prevailed, and the change that was hopefully made for the good.

Mo Lowda & the Humble, of Work Around Records, are comprised of Jordan Caiola on vocals/guitar, Shane Woods on drums, Jeff Lucci on bass, and Kirby Sybert on guitar. Founded in 2010 and with most of the band having known each other since high school and attending the same university, ML&tH states that college “kids wanted them to play at their basement parties all the time. So, they did. All the time.” Fast forward nearly a decade, and the band has moved out of the basements and is firing on all cylinders. If ‘Pearls’ is the song of the summer, the rest of the songs that comprise Ready Coat follow up nicely to create the album of the summer. After hitting play on the soundtrack to your summer, ‘Pearls,’ support the band by visiting the provided social media links and buy, like, tweet, retweet, and share.

This review is written by MuzicNotez writer Dustin Mathias. Follow him on Twitter @DustinMathias31 & Instagram @dusmima

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