“Summer never questions who we are… or asks us to be anything more than curious and alive.”

Website: www.MarcDanielsCountry.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/MarcDanielsCountry
Twitter: @MDanielsCountry
Instagram: @MarcDanielsCountry
Marc Daniels’ just-released music video for his single, ‘Summer Song’, is a window into Americana summertime fever while working long, hot summer days in the sun and dreaming for the night’s welcome — an ice cold beer.
Off of Marc Daniels’ debut album ‘The Starting Line’ (2016), ‘Summer Song’ is an easy listen if you’re already out and about enjoying the sun, but if you’re not, it can leave an ache to break away from one’s mundane routine. Catchy and reminiscent, it’s one to add to your summertime playlist.
Check it out and be sure to show some love — LIKE and SHARE!
iTunes: Marc Daniels – ‘The Starting Line’
Review written by MuzicNotez writer Julet Frazier
Follow her on Twitter @JuletFrazier or on Instagram @CJA_Frazier
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