Natalie Jean is an award winning, multi-nominated singer/songwriter performer. Jean is the definition of a versatile performer and singer. Jean sings many genres, such as Jazz Pop, R&B, Blues, and Dance. Jean is talented in singing in different languages such as French, Spanish, English, and Creole. Jean recently was nominated for Female Vocalist and Mainstream Artist in the 2017 Artist Music Guild Awards. Check out her announcement via facebook.
1. Se Kanaval
2. Smoking Ke Fan
3. An Selebre Papa Dambalah
4. La Pe
5. Lan Nuit Nou Tounin Lougarou
6. Endepandans
7. Saut Deau
8. Marabou
9. Haiti
10. L’Amour A L’Infini
Jean’s new album “Haiti Mwen Renmenw” was released on July 14th, 2017. Which are 10 songs all inspired by her native culture of Haiti.
I will be describing my take on each song base on Jean’s hashtags on her soundcloud as well as what I researched.
The first song Se Kanaval it is an upbeat tune that makes you want to get up and dance. The Caribbean is big on celebration and in different countries carnival is a huge event of life.
The second song Smoking Ke Fan is not as upbeat as the previous song. Jean gives you a different vibe with this song.
The third song I found very interesting. I of course had to look up who is Papa Dambalah. Damballah (often seen spelled with two l’s) is an African Voodoo God. From my research he is depicted as a serpent or a snake. He is known along with his wife the rainbow goddess to bring life into tension and balance. If you are interested in learning more about Damballah Google is a great place to start.
The fourth song La Pe is smoothing. It means peace. I am sure Jean is referencing peace in the world base on her hashtags she used on soundcloud describing each song.
The fifth song Lan Nuit Nou Tounin Lougarou translates to Our night we worship werewolf.
The sixth song Endepandans is about Haitian independence. What is not more to love about celebrating the independence of the first country to abolish slavery in the Western hemisphere?
The seventh song Saut Deau is a modern méringue known as kompa which is dance music. Saut Deau means waterfall in french. It is a commune located in Haiti. The commune is named after a large waterfall in Haiti called ‘LE Saut’. Jean brings a soft
The eighth song ‘Marabou’ sounds like a love song to me. It brings a peaceful vibe when you are listening to it. You hear the conviction in Jean’s vocals. IT allows you to hear her range as she goes from upbeat songs to a slower tempo. What I discovered the meaning of Marabou in Haiti means multiracial. I also researched that it is a large African stork. Whatever the meaning it is a beautiful song. Jean describe the song on soundcloud as “The beauty of the Marabou.”
The ninth song ‘Haiti’ is a song about Haiti of course.
The final song ‘L’Amour A L’Infini‘ It translates into ‘The Infinite Love.’ Jean captions the song as “the love of your life.” This is another song that displays conviction and the passion of having infinite love. This is one of my favorite songs so far on the album.
Review written by MuzicNotez writer Shanet
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