Moupp is a mobile app to promote bands and artists. Moupp is the first and only mobile app focused on musicians, bands, and artists to allow them to directly connect with their fans at the right time and right place. Moupp is an app for iPhones and Android where a band or artist can build a profile, provide biographies, upload pictures, sample music, link to their YouTube videos and most importantly provide details about their forthcoming gigs. The app lets their fans know when they have uploaded new information or added a new gig. If a band is on Facebook, the fan must go and look at their page for information. With Moupp it comes directly to their phone. If a band is on Twitter, the fan must be on their feed when their favorite bands tweet, otherwise that tweet simply gets buried within Twitter’s flood of information. Moupp cuts through that noise of social media. With Moupp, fans are directly notified when their favorite band or artist has something new. Moupp’s Adsplash and Videosplash features allow bands to directly deliver their e-flyers to fans – a highly targeted version of advertisements. Download Moupp now on iTunes & Google Play |