Genre: Reggae
Jahmings Interview With The MuzicNotez Crew
- MuzicNotez Crew: First off, it’s an honor to be doing this interview with you Jahmings, thanks for taking the time to sit down with us. So what motivated you to start playing music?
- Jahmings: Thank you for gratitude. It is an honor to be interviewed by MuzicNotez Magazine and Crew.
First off, I can answer the question by going the family route, because on both sides of the family there are musicians and that played a role, or go the higher inspirational route which played the biggest role. So let me answer the question more of the second route by saying, I physically started out living with parents in a local musician house in The Valley Anguilla, by the name of Freddie Carty, that would later on advise me and steer me on this musical path. The story was told to me this way. I was the first born to my parent an inexperienced couple starting out in the world with me by renting a room in this house, and because of their first encounters with this world economic system. Some kind of economic verbal altercation went on between them, and during that altercation my mom told me that my father accidentally stepped on the neck of my toy guitar that he had bought for me and broke it, and I started crying, which almost exacerbated the situation even further, because he started to yell at me and my mom was yelling back at him, telling him to stop yelling at me.
I don’t remember any of that, but this I do remember. When I was three or four and my sister who was born one year behind, our mom moved us to the neighboring island of St. Kitts, where we were enrolled in our first School, an all day Sunday School, and I remember the very first Sunday we walked into the School, they were singing this song called “When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder ” I turned to my sister and sang back almost all the lyrics, if not all the lyrics of that song to her, and I told her that song is mine, because I knew it before that day. This was a big motivation for me because this was the first time I heard the song sang by anyone physically, even though the song was written by James Milton Black in the 1800’s. Even at that stage I knew something was going on divinely with music and myself, but I didn’t know what at the time.
Some people would say that I heard it on the radio, or back in that musician house back in Anguilla, but you must remember my parents were a young couple starting out and a radio back in those days was a luxury most people could not afford much less a young couple just starting out. As far as that musician playing any kind of music in the house, that would have been a bit too noisy for an infant.
Knowing what I know now as a Rastaman. Music is an inspiration, and we as Rastafarians know it’s coming from the Divine Source, and we also know that some musicians come through in this life with it intact into the Soul. So it’s not so much a motivating thing for me in these times, but more of a duty and an honor to deliver the music to whoever want to hear it.
- Jahmings: Thank you for gratitude. It is an honor to be interviewed by MuzicNotez Magazine and Crew.
- MuzicNotez Crew: What age did you begin?
- Jahmings: Like I mentioned to you previously, divinely it came through intact into the Soul from the very beginning. So it’s not a physical beginning age thing for me, even though it is for other people, which is Irie too, because it’s coming from the same source. The only difference is some people have to re-learn it physically.