Facebook: Facebook.com/pages/VOICE-IN-THE-ATTIC iTunes: Download ‘Tears’ here >> Website: www.VoiceInTheAttic.com “Tear is a personal singer-songwriter tune. The lyrics are surreal, describing a world of impossibilities and contrasts. As the video credits suggest, the song was written in memory of my brothers Daniel and Niklas, who died in an accident ( aged 6 and 8 ) that nearly killed me and my parents too. Just as it shouldn’t snow in summer, or as albino crows are the exception to the rule, many of us feel that people shouldn’t die so young. The tragic event forever altered the lives of the survivors, and I sometimes wonder how my life would’ve turned out if that day had never happened. I was transformed from the youngest child to an only child to the oldest child: my parents felt that life must go on, and my sister was born little more than a year later. I now have two younger siblings. To me, the chorus of the song suggests that the events of that day are at once seemingly distant and yet proximate. On the one hand, it’s an ink drop in the sky, something far off and remote, alive only in memory and when I write about it. Yet it’s also a teardrop of blood, something in my veins, oozing out of the eye as if coming from a wound, triggered by the remembrance, making it hard to see through.” BC |